Graduation done!

Princess Aiko now wants to work for the Red Cross

20.03.2024 12:45

Princess Aiko, the only child of Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako, has graduated from university! At the graduation ceremony at Gakushuin University in Tokyo, she smiled for the camera and revealed that she has applied for a job with the Red Cross.

From April, the 22-year-old princess will work as a non-regular staff member of the Japanese Red Cross Society while performing official duties as an adult member of the imperial family, reports the "Japan Times".

The princess thanked the academic advisors who helped her with her thesis on the waka poems of Princess Shokushi, a well-known 12th century poetess. Aiko writes poetry herself and loves calligraphy, it is said.

"Unforgettable memories"
In her speech, the Princess also expressed her condolences to the families of those who lost their lives in the 7.6-magnitude earthquake on the Noto Peninsula on January 1 and expressed her sympathy for those affected by the disaster.

Looking back on her four years of university life, she said she had fond memories of online courses during the COVID-19 pandemic. In her fourth year of university, she finally attended classes with friends and talked and laughed together, which became "unforgettable memories for a lifetime".

She said that after graduation, she will "strive to balance my official duties and work with awareness and responsibility as a member of society, so that I can contribute to society as much as possible while fulfilling my duties as a member of the imperial family".

Male succession to the throne
However, she will never ascend the throne in Japan, even though she is the only child of the imperial couple. According to the current court law, only men of the male imperial line are allowed to ascend the throne.

Emperor Naruhito's younger brother, Crown Prince Fumihito, is therefore first in line to the throne.

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