Threatens World War 3

Putin does not rule out major conflict with NATO

18.03.2024 09:41

Following his re-election in a vote that was neither free nor fair, Russian ruler Vladimir Putin (71) has painted the tensions between Russia and the West in a gloomy light. A full-scale conflict with NATO cannot be ruled out, and in this case the world would only be one step away from a third world war, Putin declared in Moscow on Sunday evening. He sees his troops in Ukraine at an advantage.

"I consider it unlikely that anyone (third parties) would be interested in this," Putin was further quoted as saying by the state agency Tass. According to Putin, numerous soldiers from NATO member states are already deployed in Ukraine. "We already know that," he said. French and English had already been heard. "This is nothing good, especially for them, because they are dying there in large numbers," Putin said - without substantiating this claim.

The Russian president expressed openness to talks on France's proposal for a ceasefire in Ukraine during the Olympic Games. However, the interests of the Russian military on the front line would have to be taken into account. The Olympic Games will take place in Paris from July 26 to August 11.

Putin sees his troops at an advantage
The Kremlin leader sees his troops in Ukraine at a clear advantage following the conquest of several towns and villages in the east of the country. "The initiative comes exclusively from the Russian armed forces and in some areas our people are simply mowing them - the enemy - down."

The Kremlin had presented the election as an opportunity for Russians to demonstrate their support for the Russian military operation in Ukraine. Putin appeared in his campaign headquarters as the clear winner of the election: State news agency RIA Novosti reported, citing election authorities, that after counting the votes from 99 percent of polling stations, he has 88.33 percent and is therefore set for another six-year term in office. He has been running the Russian state in an increasingly autocratic manner for almost 25 years. Putin's victory was considered a foregone conclusion from the outset. All of the Kremlin leader's better-known critics are either dead, imprisoned or in exile.

Numerous drone attacks in Russia
The three-day vote was accompanied by numerous Ukrainian drone attacks. According to the Ministry of Defense, eight regions in Russia were attacked with drones on Sunday night and Sunday morning alone. Pro-Ukrainian fighters also advanced into Russian border territory.

Putin also officially confirmed for the first time on Sunday that the now deceased Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny was to be replaced. He had already given his consent to the exchange for Russians imprisoned in the West, Putin said at a press conference in Moscow following his victory in the presidential elections. "As for Mr. Navalny, he is no longer alive," Putin was quoted as saying. "This is a sad event."

"Unfortunately, what happened happened," Putin continued on Navalny's death. "But it happens, there's nothing you can do about it, that's life."

Navalny confidant on Putin: "Blood-sucking bug"
Navalny's long-time confidant Leonid Volkov called Putin's statement a month after the Kremlin opponent's death "cynical". Putin, who had uttered Navalny's name for the first time, had in fact killed his opponent in order to avoid having to replace him. He described Putin as a "blood-sucking bug" that would soon burst.

The Kremlin critic Navalny, who was sentenced to a long prison term, died in a penal camp in Siberia in mid-February. The circumstances of his death have still not been clarified. According to the authorities, Putin's fiercest critic collapsed during a tour of the icy prison yard. Resuscitation attempts were unsuccessful. His widow Yulia Navalnaya assumes that her husband was murdered in the camp.

Shortly after Navalny's death, it was reported by people close to him that he should have been freely exchanged for the so-called Tiergarten murderer imprisoned in Germany. According to the report, Vadim K., who was sentenced in Germany in December 2021, was to have been extradited to Russia in return for Navalny and two unspecified US citizens. A corresponding offer was made to Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin at the beginning of February, it was reported.
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