Two variants possible

This is the way forward for the Heiligenblut ski area

15.03.2024 12:22

After ongoing discussions, the owners of the Großglockner Bergbahnen Heiligenblut have agreed on a course of action and presented two possible options for the continuation of operations on Friday.

The owners want to know by Monday evening who the previously unnamed investors are so that they can quickly check their intentions and creditworthiness and then enter into talks immediately. "I am delighted that the owners are entering into talks with the regional companies. And on Monday, they will accept the proposed takeover for one euro with the associated guarantees and sureties," says Mayor Martin Lackner.

Sell or continue to run it yourself
If no agreement can be reached on a sale or the orderly handover of the Grossglockner ski area cannot be secured, the current owners have decided to secure the operation in a commercially viable form. The number of lifts and therefore the costs would have to be reduced. In recent years, the annual loss has been between 0.5 and one million euros.

The specific measures would first have to be examined in the event of independent continuation. In this case, however, the Fleißbahn would be closed.

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