Cost restriction

People’s Party sets conditions for election advertising

13.03.2024 06:00

Party talks on limiting election campaign costs will take place on Thursday. However, a broad consensus is not yet in sight. However, a two-thirds majority in parliament is required for the Court of Audit to be able to carry out an audit.

What is certain is that there will be an upper limit on election campaign costs. The SPÖ has set a limit of 300,000 euros. It remains to be seen whether opposition parties will agree to the draft.

Two-thirds majority required
A broad consensus would not only be a sign from a political point of view, but would also be necessary to ensure that the Court of Audit can verify compliance. The relevant law would have to be amended in parliament with a two-thirds majority.

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Limiting election campaign costs is the right thing to do. But it requires fair play for all. Anything else would be authoritarian and anti-democratic.

(Bild: ÖVP)

Klubobmann Markus Ulram, ÖVP

"Fair play for all"
The FPÖ already doubted in the previous week that there would be an agreement in the party negotiations. "We need fair play for everyone," explains ÖVP parliamentary group chairman Markus Ulram. The People's Party is calling for several points to be taken into account in order to reach an agreement:

  • No government media and advertisements from the deadline.
  • Member communication should not be included in the election campaign costs.
  • Events at municipal and local level should also not be included.
  • Annually recurring events during the election campaign period, such as New Year's receptions, should also be excluded.

Final round of party talks
The parties will meet in the Landhaus on Thursday morning. According to reports, a decision will be made in this round.

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