Union is angry:

“There aren’t even toilets for truck drivers”

11.03.2024 11:45

The explosion of a gas stove in the driver's cab of a truck parked at the Dornbirn highway parking lot has now also called the vida trade union into action: the case shows once again that the social infrastructure at rest areas in Vorarlberg absolutely needs to be improved.

As reported by the "Krone" newspaper, a truck driver suffered burns to his forearms and head on Saturday evening because a camping gas stove flew around his ears. The man had just been preparing a meal.

The case is now also causing outrage among the trade union: "When drivers have to handle gas cylinders in their trucks in order to make themselves a meal, it clearly shows the shortcomings. At rest stops, there are hardly any opportunities to get a hot meal or heat up food that you have taken with you. The food in the stores and accommodation along the main routes is known to be far too expensive and hardly affordable for the drivers. Often there aren't even any toilets," criticizes vida regional chairman Reinhard Stemmer, who is also the regional chairman of the ÖGB. In addition, there are still far too few truck parking spaces in Vorarlberg - despite the current expansion measures in Dornbirn. With the sad result that many drivers are almost forced to ignore the legal minimum regulations on driving and rest times.

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When drivers have to handle gas cylinders in their trucks in order to make themselves food, this clearly shows the shortcomings.

Reinhard Stemmer, ÖGB-Landesvorsitzender und vida-Chef

It is therefore high time that the situation improved. In order to be able to make the necessary investments in infrastructure, vida has been proposing a social toll for years: For this, one cent of the toll fees per truck kilometer driven should be paid into a cooperative, which would then take care of the construction of affordable catering and accommodation facilities.

Stemmer does not accept the reference to costs: "We owe billions in toll revenue to the drivers' work. It should therefore go without saying that a small portion of these funds should also be used to improve working and general conditions. Politicians should not forget that it is the truck drivers who contribute significantly to the security of supply in our country!"

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