District tour

The “Krone” on patrol with the Vienna dog team

12.03.2024 09:32

From registration in the correct database to the right muzzle or appropriate training - specially trained employees of the veterinary office provide advice in parks and dog zones on important topics "all about man's best friend".

They are mistakenly referred to as "paw patrols" or dog sheriffs and have been an important institution in Vienna since February 19 - the dog teams.

Whatever the weather, they are stationed in parks and dog zones for hours on end, talking to people (with and without dogs) to improve the coexistence of two- and four-legged friends in the city.

They have all trained as animal carers or studied veterinary medicine. Before their deployment, they received additional specific training, including de-escalation training, for example.

Focus number one: registering dogs
The "Krone" visited the dog team's information stand and discovered that even experienced dog owners can learn something new during the consultation. When team leader Janina Tran spoke to a pet owner, it became clear after a few minutes that her golden retriever "Merlin" was possibly registered in the wrong database. "Merlin' is already my fifth dog, but I'm still learning something new," says the friendly Sylvia and is grateful for the suggestions.

Special brochures with important information supplement the personal advice. (Bild: Zwickl)
Special brochures with important information supplement the personal advice.

Since mid-February, the dog teams have advised around 330 people. The aim is to raise dog owners' awareness of the need for animal welfare and legally compliant behavior. Correct registration is the number one topic for education. This is closely followed by leash and muzzle requirements, removal of dog excrement and dog training topics.

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"In my opinion, the work of the dog teams is important for both sides. Some pet owners believe they can take everything for themselves. In the end, it all falls back on the animal. It's very important to me that people are also made aware of what it means when a yellow ribbon is attached to the dog's lead or collar. It signals the desire for space and distance!"

Sylvia, Frauchen von „Merlin“

All about the dog

"Around 57,000 dogs live in Vienna. Thousands of animals escape every year and cannot be assigned to their owners because they are chipped but not registered in the correct pet database. During our consultations, it became clear that dog owners sometimes get the chipping, registration and registration of the animal with the municipal authorities mixed up," says Janina Tran in an interview with the "Krone".

The Vienna Dog Team is still focusing on providing advice and information - inspections are to follow later.

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