Big rush

Careers fair: School, apprenticeship, university or police?

07.03.2024 15:50

Young people are spoiled for choice: 340 exhibitors present the latest educational and career opportunities for young people at the BeSt in the Stadthalle. The crowds are huge.

What to do after compulsory school? What happens after the Matura? Should you start an apprenticeship or go to university? These are pressing questions that many young people are asking themselves right now.

Raffael Ullram (14) wants to start an apprenticeship as a car mechanic after school (left). 14-year-old Doreen Swoboda is aiming for a career as a kindergarten teacher. (Bild: Martin Jöchl)
Raffael Ullram (14) wants to start an apprenticeship as a car mechanic after school (left). 14-year-old Doreen Swoboda is aiming for a career as a kindergarten teacher.

Answers to these questions can be found at BeSt, the largest education fair in the country. Over the next three days, everything will once again revolve around careers, studies and further education in the Stadthalle. Around 340 exhibitors will be on hand to present the entire range of offers for training and further education as well as career entry and career reorientation. These include universities, universities of applied sciences, academies, colleges, schools, private education providers and advisory services from all over Austria.

Apprenticeships, with and without A-levels, are also advertised intensively here. Numerous companies are also already looking for the employees of tomorrow. This includes the police. Interior Minister Gerhard Karner (ÖVP) saw the recruitment measures for himself on Thursday morning.

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