100 arrests

“Solidarity with climate campaigners is at an end”

06.03.2024 09:00

In the current "TV duel" between Andreas Mölzer and Eva Glawischnig on krone.tv, one of the topics discussed was the numerous arrests of climate campaigners in Vienna last week. Specifically, there were over 100 arrests, 3,700 people reported to the police and 150 reports that were sent directly to the criminal justice system.

Glawischnig: "My solidarity is at an end. We have reached a point where the focus is on the blockade and not the cause." Mölzer adds: "The Greens now also see that the climate stickers are hurting them." Above all, the blockade of parliament leaves both duelists speechless: "The action in front of parliament made me think of the storming of the Capitol in the USA." Glawischnig adds: "Such an action is not acceptable. Parliament is sacred."

Eva Glawischnig in the current "TV duel" on krone.tv. (Bild: krone.tv )
Eva Glawischnig in the current "TV duel" on krone.tv.

Another topic of discussion was the poor performance of 32 politicians surveyed in the latest OGM trust index. The result: the positive values only outweigh the negative for five people, but the negative balance outweighs the positive for 27 (!).

Mölzer: "At the lower end are those who polarize, but then still win some elections." At the top of the confidence index, on the other hand, is the Federal President by a clear margin. Mölzer: "He's an old leftist and I don't need that. But he's still a nice man."

You can see the respective stances of the two duelists on this and many other political topics in the video above.

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