Under suspicion of murder

Baby shaken to death: Parents remanded in custody

11.02.2024 14:58

After a three-month-old infant died in Vienna General Hospital a few days ago, the parents suspected of murder have now been remanded in custody. Doctors had diagnosed a shaking trauma after the baby was admitted to hospital - several of the little boy's bones were also broken.

According to court spokeswoman Christina Salzborn, the reasons for the arrest were the risk of conspiracy and the risk of committing the crime. The Vienna public prosecutor's office is investigating the parents on suspicion of murder.

Parents did not comment on the allegations
As Salzborn explained, neither the 29-year-old man nor the woman, who is three years younger, made any statements to the journal judge regarding the accusation made against them of having inflicted fatal injuries on their son. The detention order, against which the mother's legal representative did not lodge an appeal - the father was not represented by a lawyer - is legally effective until February 26.

The baby was transferred from Ottakting Hospital to Vienna General Hospital - but the doctors were unable to save the boy's life. (Bild: Martin Jöchl)
The baby was transferred from Ottakting Hospital to Vienna General Hospital - but the doctors were unable to save the boy's life.

The baby succumbed to his serious injuries on Tuesday. The 26-year-old Serbian-born woman and her 29-year-old partner had brought the infant to the Vienna Ottakring Clinic. A severe shaking trauma and several broken bones were diagnosed - the doctors then alerted the police.

After the boy was transferred to Vienna General Hospital, he died from his severe injuries. The parents were finally arrested on Friday and another child of theirs, aged two, was placed in the care of crisis foster parents.

As part of the ongoing investigation, the public prosecutor's office ordered an autopsy of the body to determine the exact cause of death. Naturally, the written report is not yet available, but the baby reportedly had a broken rib and a broken arm in addition to the head injuries.

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