2nd Landesliga Nord

All-clear after knockout: match abandoned in the lower division

26.05.2024 22:25

The 2nd Landesliga Nord match between Hof and Elixhausen was abandoned after an early medical emergency. Under the circumstances, the players involved are doing well again - the sporting consequences are still unclear.

Shock moment in the opening phase
In the 2nd Landesliga Nord, soccer quickly became a minor matter during Hof's home match against Elixhausen on Sunday evening: after just 17 minutes, Hof goalkeeper Johannes Itzlinger collided with his own teammate Johannes Resch. The latter remained unconscious and swallowed his tongue. A shock went through the Hof sports center.

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We were no longer able to continue the game.

Hof-Sektionsleiter Michael Reiter

The referee reacted with lightning speed
Referee Pushon Muhammed had the presence of mind to pull out the tongue immediately before the player received further emergency treatment from a doctor in the crowd. The game was interrupted and the ambulance was called. When they arrived after 40 minutes, Johannes Resch was already responsive again - he knew his name again and where he was. A first moment of relief.

All-clear from the hospital
Together with the slightly confused Johannes Itzlinger, he was then transported to Salzburg Accident Hospital. The two later shared a room there and waited for the necessary CT scans. Their colleagues received a photo from the hospital as quickly as possible, complete with a grin. It is now clear that Johannes Resch can leave the hospital - goalie Johannes Itzlinger has to spend the night there as a precaution.

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Johannes suffers from a slight loss of memory. But the most important thing is that he can laugh again.

Hof-Sektionsleiter Michael Reiter

Match must be abandoned
The match was abandoned by referee Pushon Muhammed at 0:2 after consultation with both clubs - the players themselves were also in shock. The consequences for the game are still open, but will be clarified as soon as possible. On this day, however, a minor matter.

Thomas Schaier

2nd Landesliga Nord: Abersee - HSV Wals 0:0 (0:0), Hof - Elixhausen abandoned, St. Koloman - Strobl 5:1 (3:1), Plainfeld - Grödig 1b 5:4 (1:1), Wals-Grünau 1b - Köstendorf 3:2 (1:2), Mattsee - Koppl 0:1 (0:1).

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