Trump intimate broke

Deep fall: Rudy Giuliani is now selling coffee

25.05.2024 18:12

Rudy Giuliani was once regarded as the "Mayor of America", now Donald Trump's intimate is infamous as a political oddball and broke - he is now trying his hand at selling coffee.

That's what you call falling low. At the height of his career in the early 2000s, he was ennobled as "America's Mayor". But Rudy Giuliani is now considered a political oddball because of his unshakeable claim that Joe Biden stole the 2020 election from Donald Trump. He has also been charged with election rigging in several states and is facing bankruptcy. To raise money, the 79-year-old is now selling his own coffee on his social media page.

In a video, he praises his java juice as "balanced in taste", which comes in "strong", "decaffeinated" and "morning" versions. Anyone who buys 29.99 dollars for 800 grams of Rudy's organic coffee gets "the best beans you can imagine". 100 percent Arabica beans, roasted in the USA, of course.

Giuliani also uses the title "America's Mayor" to promote his "Rudy Coffee". (Bild: Enterpress News Agentur)
Giuliani also uses the title "America's Mayor" to promote his "Rudy Coffee".

Giuliani continues with the embarrassing advertising campaign with the words "I only stand with my name for things I really believe in". This makes it clear that he is hoping to whet the appetite of potential buyers in the world of Trump supporters.

Giuliani was fired from his last job as a radio host at New York station WABC because he continued to cling to the conspiracy myth that the 2020 US presidential election was rigged.

148 million dollars in damages
Giuliani owes two election workers from Georgia 148 million dollars in damages. In December, a jury ruled that he had slandered Ruby Freeman and her daughter Shay Moss as "election fraudsters" and severely damaged their reputations. In January, the Trump intimate then filed for personal bankruptcy. It emerged that he owed his lawyers 1.4 million dollars and the tax authorities 960,000 dollars.

Court officials appeared at Giuliani's early 80th birthday party in Palm Beach, Florida. They presented him with a summons for an election fraud trial in Arizona in front of all the guests.

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read the original article here.

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