Call from university

Tyrolean music bands wanted for dialect study

26.05.2024 19:00

The director of the Tyrolean Dialect Archive is asking for active participation from Tyrolean music bands in a study. The aim is to take a close look at the dialect. The differences between the generations are "extremely exciting" for research.

Music bands in the region, listen up! The University of Innsbruck is asking for your diligent help. The Tyrolean Dialect Archive, which is based at the Institute of German Studies and conducts research into dialects, is currently carrying out a study throughout Tyrol. "We are asking members of music bands to translate 40 High German sentences into their dialect," explains Yvonne Kathrein, head of the dialect archive, to the Tiroler Krone newspaper.

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Bands represent a place on a small scale. The differences in dialect are extremely exciting for us.

Yvonne Kathrein

Focus on linguistic differences
And why music bands in particular? "Because they represent a place on a small scale very well. They represent different generations, different professions and different attitudes." Kathrein and her team want to find out in the study whether and which linguistic differences occur.

According to the scientist, such differences often occur when several generations come together. She also provides a fitting example: "While the older trombonist says 'Du bisch druun' to the younger one, the latter responds with 'I bin no net dran'".

Yvonne Kathrein is head of the Tyrolean dialect archive. (Bild: zVg)
Yvonne Kathrein is head of the Tyrolean dialect archive.

Avery exciting topic for researchers
According to Kathrein, these and other differences can be attributed to mobility patterns, the language of the parents, the circle of friends or the profession. And, of course, the general attitude of the speaker towards the dialect. "At the Dialect Archive, we find the investigation of such differences very exciting."

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Everyone can and should take part and the younger ones should help the older ones. This is the only way we can get a comprehensive picture of the dialect.

Yvonne Kathrein

Link to take part on the homepage
And how can the bands take part? "There is a link on our homepage that leads to a survey tool. The sentences should be spoken rather than written down." The researcher emphasizes that you don't have to come from the place where you play music. "Everyone can and should take part and the younger people should help the older ones. This is the only way we can get a comprehensive picture of the dialect."

Information and participation at:

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