Salzburg researchers

“Buddy” robot to keep senior citizens company

25.05.2024 07:00

Salzburg researchers are working on the ideal companion for the elderly. Senior citizens in a test program already like "Buddy". What the little one can do and when it will be launched on the market.

A little tinny friend like this has a huge advantage: it simply always has time. Old people in particular suffer from the fact that their children can only spend a limited amount of time with them. The young are plagued by a guilty conscience, the old feel lonely.

This should be a thing of the past in future. At least for senior citizens who can make friends with a rolling, talking robot in their home. A project by Salzburg Research, the Salzburg state research organization, promises to be groundbreaking. Oliver Jung and colleagues are working on "Buddy" together with French and Dutch researchers.

Oliver Jung lets the little robot look over his shoulder while programming. "Buddy" is designed to prevent loneliness and keep old people healthy for longer. (Bild: Tschepp Markus)
Oliver Jung lets the little robot look over his shoulder while programming. "Buddy" is designed to prevent loneliness and keep old people healthy for longer.

The little fellow reaches about as far as an adult's knee. Thanks to artificial intelligence, it should become a companion and thus prevent loneliness. "'Buddy' can already speak a few sentences. When he is ready for the market, he will be able to have a proper conversation with his owner," says Oliver Jung, describing the goal that the Salzburg team is pursuing. The little robot also follows its owner, so it is always close by.

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Buddy' should be available for purchase in around three and a half years. The Dutch health insurance company is already considering a subsidy.

Oliver Jung, Forscher bei Salzburg Research

The French company Bluefrog originally invented the robot for autistic children. According to Jung, a former animator from the famous Californian film company Pixar designed the robot's face. The Salzburg researchers are turning the tables on the project. It is not the senior citizens who are to learn from the robot's facial expressions, but vice versa.

Robot should recognize how seniors are feeling
In its final form, "Buddy" will recognize what its human counterpart needs. Its task will be to find out how its owner is doing based on facial expressions, voice and dialog. He will also make suggestions such as "Why don't you call your niece again?

Interested parties can get to know "Buddy"
Around 30 Salzburg residents between their late 50s and 90s are currently helping the robot to learn - and already like it. Anyone interested can register with 50plus Gmbh in Salzburg.

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read the original article here.

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