For five decades

Taggenbrunn: A museum of its own for the Carinthian watch

23.05.2024 21:02

The history of the watch and jewelry brand Jacques Lemans is now on display at Taggenbrunn Castle.

To mark the 50th anniversary of Jacques Lemans, which - as reported - is being celebrated this year, the Riedl family has opened its own museum at Taggenbrunn Castle near St. Veit, which presents the success story of this well-known Carinthian watch and jewelry brand. "The exhibition shows Jacques Lemans then and now. From the first watch, reminiscent of grandmother's time, to all our prominent testimonials from the film and sports industry and milestones such as the Formula 1 license," says owner Alfred Riedl, who opened the museum in the north wing of Taggenbrunn Castle on Thursday together with his sons Andreas, who is already a member of the management team, and Christian, who is also already active in the family business.

Taggenbrunn Castle: Viticulture and art are the other hobbyhorses of clock entrepreneur Alfred Riedl. (Bild: Manuela Karner)
Taggenbrunn Castle: Viticulture and art are the other hobbyhorses of clock entrepreneur Alfred Riedl.

In addition to various watch models and creative information boards that allow visitors to immerse themselves in the past 50 years, there is also a giant watch made from 10,000 Jacques Lemans spare parts.

Another fascinating insight is provided by the series of photos on the rustic walls, which show the effort required to turn the former castle ruins into such a gem.

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