Stooge caught

Luxury cars stolen: Loot gone, thieves convicted

23.05.2024 18:00

They were the henchmen, the executors - and only sat briefly in the luxury cars they stole on assignment. A Turk and two Poles are going to jail for this, the valuable loot - almost two million euros in metal - is being driven by someone else. The reward for the thieves would have been ridiculously small.

Seven cars, or rather luxury SUVs worth around 1.7 million euros, were stolen by a Turk and two Poles from the parking lot of the vehicle logistics company Hödlmayr in Schwertberg last autumn. On Thursday, they had to answer for it at Linz Regional Court. The first defendant, Tamer Y. (41), had access to the strictly monitored parking lot with thousands of cars as an employee. On the first occasion he allowed the second defendant Kamil S. (27) to enter, on other occasions he cut his own way through the wire fence. Also charged was Pawel H. (27), who is said to have driven only one car off the premises.

Blameless to this day
All three previously blameless but heavily indebted workers had been recruited and guided by unknown or fugitive backers. They drove several Mercedes G 63 AMGs, a BMW X5 and X7 and a Range Rover, the keys of which were inside the cars, off the premises and handed them over a few kilometers away. Although each of them received 1500 euros per vehicle, they have now been given prison sentences on top of that: Tamer Y. and Kamil S. each received four years in prison plus a high five-figure compensation payment, while Pawel H. has to spend ten months in prison. Some of the sentences are final.

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