WAC boss Riegler:

Will WAC have to do without the Austrian pot in future?

23.05.2024 19:58

The Bundesliga season is over for the WAC. The "Krone" sheds light on its high-flyer of the year, sums up coach Manfred Schmid's tenure - and knows why Didi Kühbauer will be the right man for the job, where quality is now needed above all in the squad.

The unfortunate 2-1 defeat to Austria Vienna (which put an early end to a possible fifth European Cup appearance) was the sporting conclusion to an unsatisfactory WAC season. What remains, what gives hope - and what the outlook is for next season!

The high-flyer
Thierno Ballo, of course! "When I arrived, he was crying in the dressing room - now he has the chance to play in the European Championship," said coach Manfred Schmid about the 22-year-old. After scoring 12 league goals (including three doubles, three penalties and one penalty) and being included in the provisional European Championship squad, he is absolutely delighted. "It was always my dream to be part of the national team." Thierno is now jetting off to his family in Cologne, where he is keeping fit with a private coach for the team camp (starting May 29).

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It was always my dream to be part of the national team.

Thierno BALLO

The beacon of hope
The "mentality monster" Didi Kühbauer, of course. The 53-year-old will bring new energy and new emotion to the team from mid-June and is expected to implement President Dietmar Riegler's instructions ("I want to see courageous, attacking soccer, soccer the way the fans love it"). At "Küh's" side is the experienced Manni Nastl, while veteran Hannes Jochum and goalkeeping coach Mario Krassnitzer remain on board.

New at the top: Kühbauer takes over the sceptre in the Wolfpack. (Bild: GEPA pictures)
New at the top: Kühbauer takes over the sceptre in the Wolfpack.

No glorious memories
A brief farewell in the dressing room. Immediately after the final whistle, a "thank you" in front of the TV camera - and then the era of coach Schmid at the WAC was already over. Even though he achieved the second-best points average of all WAC coaches (1.54 in 44 league games; best: Struber 1.92/14 games) - thanks to the fact that the team was only relegated twice - even though his former dream player Mo Bamba brought in a record five million euros and Thierno Ballo made the senior team, his time in charge will not be remembered as a glorious one.

Manfred Schmid is history in Wolfsberg. (Bild: GEPA pictures)
Manfred Schmid is history in Wolfsberg.

The Viennese manager opened up too many construction sites, especially in the final phase, and - after he had already sorted out the experienced players Novak and Kerschbaumer during the season - also sidelined the deserving leaders Leitgeb and Bonmann without mercy or explanation. These and other behaviors caused nothing but head-shaking up to the management level.

Quality is needed
Boakye, Ballo and Veratschnig will bring in good money - which must not be invested in additions to the squad, but in absolute quality, in established players. Riegler, who remains highly motivated, knows this. "We look around the local market. If there are problems there, we will also do without the Austrian pot in future."

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