Austrias Fischer praises:

“Players are ready to suffer for the European Cup”

23.05.2024 17:00

Austria host Hartberg in the first play-off final on Friday. The last home game (0:4 against WAC) cost Michael Wimmer his coaching job. Since then, however, the Violets are without defeat. The attitude is right, sporting director Andreas Schicker remains with champions Sturm Graz.

"We're in a good mood again, our confidence has returned a little in the last two games. I hope that everyone knows which club we're playing for," appealed Austria captain Manfred Fischer.

Gruber & Co. won 2:1 against WAC in the semi-final. (Bild: APA/EVA MANHART)
Gruber & Co. won 2:1 against WAC in the semi-final.

He and Violett will take on Hartberg in the last home game of the season on Friday - the play-off final (two matches) is ultimately about the last European Cup place. However, nobody at the Violets has fond memories of the last game in Favoriten with the 4-0 defeat against WAC, after which coach Michael Wimmer had to leave. "We naturally want to repay the fans for their incredible support and make up for the last defeat with a win. The energy in the team is great, it's really fun at the moment, the coach has welded the team together!"

Interim coach Wegleitner brought a lot of momentum. (Bild: GEPA pictures)
Interim coach Wegleitner brought a lot of momentum.

Interim coach Christian Wegleitner also raves about the attitude of his squad. "The players are hungry, everyone sticks together. It's clear how much we want to achieve our European Cup goal."

Sporting director Andreas Schicker remains at Sturm. (Bild: Pail Sepp)
Sporting director Andreas Schicker remains at Sturm.

Austria's chest is broad in any case. "I am convinced that we are not only the favorites, but also the better team. I've noticed that the players are prepared to suffer. That's what fascinated me most in the semi-final in Wolfsberg. It's important that we take the joy with us again," says Fischer. Meanwhile, Sturm's sporting director Andreas Schicker remains on board and is not leaving Graz for Hoffenheim!

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read the original article here.

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