Lionel Richie reveals:

Pregnant Sofia “on the verge of a nervous breakdown”

23.05.2024 17:00

It won't be long now until Sofia Richie (25) and her husband Elliot Grainge (30) welcome their first child into the world together. But the days leading up to the birth seem to be anything but relaxed for the dream couple, who tied the knot in April 2023, as proud grandfather Lionel Richie (74) revealed.

During the "American Idol" season finale, musician Lionel Richie gave a brief interview to "Extra" on the edge of the red carpet and had a lot to say. He revealed that daughter Sofia and her husband Elliot were on the verge of a "complete nervous breakdown".

Pregnant Sofia is on the verge of a nervous breakdown
"I always say: 'Calm down. When the baby comes, your nervous breakdown starts, you know'," joked the 74-year-old, who, unlike his daughter, seemed anything but stressed.

At the Netflix event, Lionel Richie talked a lot about his life. (Bild: AFP/APA/Getty Images via AFP/GETTY IMAGES/Natasha Campos)
At the Netflix event, Lionel Richie talked a lot about his life.

"I mean, my life is so full at the moment. I mean, 39 years ago was 'We Are the World: The Greatest Night in Pop', and now it's here on Netflix and it's doing fantastic, number one all over the world. And then we've got my Sofia - my baby's having a baby now. What the hell is going on?" enthused Richie.

The musician emphasized, "I'm going back on tour with Earth, Wind & Fire this summer and it's just a great time, and of course another great season of 'American Idol'."

"Learned more than I have in my whole life"
The happy couple announced the happy baby news in January. The daughter of Diane Alexander and Lionel Richie shared photos of her baby bump via the "Vogue" Instagram channel. In an exclusive interview with the magazine, she revealed: "I've learned more in the last six months than I have in my entire life." Her fans were full of joy and responded with congratulations.

The two had known about the pregnancy for a long time, as they said in the "Vogue" interview in January: "I found out very, very early. I was about four weeks pregnant. I was on a trip to Milan and felt terrible. I thought it was jet lag."

A short time later, Sofia Richie took a pregnancy test and has been looking forward to having a little girl ever since. She recently posted a baby bump update on Instagram, which suggests that it can't be long until the birth.

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