Wanda, Blunt & Co.

Win tickets for the festival in Gmunden

23.05.2024 12:08

Over and out! Ticket sales for Gmunden rockt (May 30 to June 2) are closed, as there are no more tickets available. But the "Krone" has secured a contingent for its readers just in time. You can win tickets for James Blunt, Wanda and Die Seer. Play right here!

The Gmunden rockt festival (May 30 to June 2), presented by the "Krone", is once again bringing some truly great musicians to Gmunden's Rathausplatz. No wonder the crowds are responding and all tickets for the four days of the festival are now completely sold out. But "Krone" readers are, as always, at an advantage and now have the chance to win exclusive tickets, because we are giving away

  • 13x2 tickets for James Blunt on 30.5.
  • 13x2 tickets for Wanda on 31.5.
  • 8x2 tickets for Die Seer on 1.6. and
  • 10x2 tickets for Die Seer on 2.6.

In addition, we are giving away 2x2 places for a meet & greet among the participants of the Seer tickets on 2.6. You can talk to the cult band one last time, take some last photos and get autographs before Die Seer say goodbye to the country's stages for good.

Wanda play in Gmunden on 31.5. (Bild: Chris Gonz)
Wanda play in Gmunden on 31.5.
Die Seer say goodbye to Gmunden on 1.6. and 2.6. (Bild: Markus Wenzel)
Die Seer say goodbye to Gmunden on 1.6. and 2.6.
James Blunt and the organizers are looking forward to 30.5. (Bild: floro.at)
James Blunt and the organizers are looking forward to 30.5.

Take part and win
Simply select your favorite prize in the form below, fill in your details and you will be entered into the prize draw. All information about the concerts at: www.floro.at. Participation is possible until Monday, May 27, at 09:00.

The competition is closed. Thank you for the numerous entries.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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