Goalie now fixed

This is the new number one for the Graz99ers

22.05.2024 20:00

The search is over, white smoke above the Merkur Eisstadion. The 99ers have found their new goalie. His name is Jonas Gunnarsson, he is 32 years old, comes from Sweden and last played in the Finnish league with Ilves. There and in Sweden he impressed with strong ratings.

Graz ice hockey fans have been speculating for weeks about who the new man between the posts will be. Numerous names have been circulating. Since Wednesday evening, the cat is now out of the bag! Jonas Gunnarsson will be the 99ers' goalkeeper next season.

Neo-president Herbert Jerich (left) and sports director Philipp Pinter (right) continue to work on the 99ers squad together with coach Harry Lange. (Bild: Graz99ers)
Neo-president Herbert Jerich (left) and sports director Philipp Pinter (right) continue to work on the 99ers squad together with coach Harry Lange.

The 32-year-old signed a two-year contract in Graz. He has played 226 games in Sweden's top league, achieving a catch rate of over 91 percent. Most recently, the Swede was on the ice for Ilves in Finland - where he had a goals-against average of 2.2. "I was absolutely convinced by the talks with the 99ers' management. I want to help Graz be successful again and grow into a play-off team," says the new goalie.

"Radiates incredible calm"
Sporting director Philipp Pinter is also happy with the signing: "Jonas radiates incredible calm, has a good eye for the game and impresses above all with his speed. He will certainly give our team enormous support. Jonas is the ideal type for our new squad."

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