"Fight like a lioness"

Lena Schilling to appear before the press soon

22.05.2024 10:15

On Wednesday, the Greens commented on the latest accusations against their EU leadership candidate Lena Schilling. Schilling herself and Green Party Secretary General Olga Voglauer issued a press statement - with some extremely questionable statements ...

Conclusion: Schilling is not thinking of resigning, on the contrary. Voglauer continued to put the 23-year-old on the wall and described the former climate activist as an "exceptional political talent". However, the appearance seemed bizarre; Voglauer's very bold statements made her look more like a conspiracy theorist.

Voglauer's statement lasted almost 20 minutes, but she did not comment on the current accusations against Schilling. Instead, she criticized the media reports of the past few days.

She wants to fight "like a lioness" for the Greens, says Schilling. (Bild: APA/MAX SLOVENCIK)
She wants to fight "like a lioness" for the Greens, says Schilling.
Green EU lead candidate Lena Schilling is under massive pressure. Nevertheless, Secretary General Olga Voglauer (left) once again hit the wall on Wednesday. (Bild: APA/MAX SLOVENCIK)
Green EU lead candidate Lena Schilling is under massive pressure. Nevertheless, Secretary General Olga Voglauer (left) once again hit the wall on Wednesday.

"Inhuman agitation"
The Green General Secretary literally spoke of "inhuman agitation that has never been seen before". There are groups, competitors and people who have a personal interest in Schilling not being allowed to succeed.

"Silberstein methods"
She also spoke of "Silberstein methods" against Schilling, even bringing the SPÖ into play as the originator. And she also suggested the KPÖ as the possible originator of a "campaign", revealing in her statement that the KPÖ leader was involved with Schilling.

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I understand that many people want to see a resignation story, but it won't happen.

Lena Schilling

"The fact that she went to the Greens is something people hold against her," and now former confidants are checking their smartphones to see what news they can bring up. There are reports in the media about rumors and chats from Schilling's most personal sphere of life, "and in my opinion that is wrong". Schilling no longer has any privacy at all.

Schilling is now joining the Greens
Schilling herself also continued to defend herself against the new, anonymized accusations against her. In her statement, she emphasized that she was extremely angry. At the same time, she said she had sent off an application for membership of the Green Party today. "We will continue to fight like lionesses," said Schilling. It's about more "than this dirty election campaign", she said.

Lena Schilling described the accusations as "bullshit", among other things. (Bild: APA/MAX SLOVENCIK)
Lena Schilling described the accusations as "bullshit", among other things.

She described reports that she had considered switching to the left-wing parliamentary group after the election as "bullshit". She had had "other offers" but had opted for the Greens, Schilling confirmed. She also addressed the SPÖ as the alleged mastermind behind the reports about her.

"Clear links to the SPÖ"
Voglauer added that there were clear links to the SPÖ, which had "profited" from the reports. Specifically, she named the SPÖ Penzing. This is where SPÖ EU top candidate Andreas Schieder comes from, for example.

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The reports and other media inquiries about Lena Schilling's private life are an unrestrained attempt to take down a young, committed woman.

Olga Voglauer

Accusations of hatred
Referring to unnamed confidants at the time, Der Standard reported that Schilling was considering joining the left-wing group in the EU Parliament after the election. In addition, a chat statement was published in which Schilling had written that she had "never hated anyone as much" as the Greens all her life.

Schilling already admitted to the "Krone" that her approach to the Greens had initially given her a stomach ache and that "a sentence can slip out". "But I realized that the Greens are the only ones you can do climate policy with."

Survey: Greens only as big as beer party!
Incidentally, on the very day of Schilling's press conference, a new poll on the National Council elections was published - according to this, the Greens have plummeted enormously and are currently only as big as the Beer Party.

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read the original article here.

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