"Lisa Film" anniversary

Film festival at Lake Wörthersee celebrates its 60th birthday

18.05.2024 19:59

"Lisa Film" is 60 years old. 400 films have been shot, the best of which can be seen in the open-air cinema at the Casino-Gemeinde from June 9 to 14. Many movie stars will be attending.

You should celebrate the festivals as they fall - Chris Roberts has even made a hit song out of it. The singer has been in front of the camera several times for Karl Spiehs, the "Super Nose" of "Lisa Film". And "Lisa Film GmbH", in turn, is known for the fact that nobody can fool her when it comes to partying. "So we've come full circle and are celebrating the 60th birthday of a production company that has made Lake Wörthersee famous all over the world and written cinema and television history in the process," says boss Michael Kraiger.

Otto Retzer zips along on his water skis, he will also be there on 9. 6. (Bild: Lisa Film)
Otto Retzer zips along on his water skis, he will also be there on 9. 6.
Many film classics were made on the lake. (Bild: Lisa Film)
Many film classics were made on the lake.

400 films produced
"Lisa Film" produced around 400 films, the best of which can be seen between June 9 and 14 at the open-air cinema at the Bistro in Velden. "Zärtliche Chaoten", "Geld oder Leber" and "Hilfe, ich liebe Zwillinge" are among them. For decades, the entire German-speaking film world filmed at Lake Wörthersee. "Vom Schlosshotel am Wörthersee" with Roy Black produced 34 episodes in three seasons. "And many stars will be guests at the big party at Schlosshotel Velden on June 9, when we start filming a documentary about the Schlosshotel," reveals Kraiger.

Mike Krüger, who together with Thomas Gottschalk heralded the great film era at Lake Wörthersee 40 years ago with the "Super Noses", will be visiting the casino town. "Wolfgang Fierek, Julia Kent, Otto Retzer, Thomas Ohrner, Peter and Mike Kraus, Christine Neubauer, Katerina Jakob and Anja Schüte will also be there. Many of them can still be seen in films today. They have always felt at home in Carinthia," says Kraiger.

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