New women's shelter

“Violence against women also occurs in the countryside”

13.05.2024 14:45

A new women's shelter is planned in the Mühlviertel. 18 residential places are available there. The facility is due to be ready for occupancy in 2026 and is connected to public transport, schools and kindergarten places.

With this women's shelter in the Mühlviertel, we wanted to set an example, because violence also occurs in rural areas." Christine Haberlander (ÖVP), Deputy Governor for Women's Affairs, chose a location where cases of approach and trespassing bans have risen by 18 percent in the past year. The municipality remains unknown - to protect the women and their children.

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It is not a problem of the central area. Violence against women happens everywhere.

(Bild: © Harald Dostal / 2024)

Christine Haberlander, Frauenlandesrätin OÖ.

Seven temporary homes available for women
Just this much: it is large enough to maintain anonymity. The house is connected to public transport, schools and kindergarten places. "I called for this many years ago and now it's being implemented," says Sabine Schatz, Chairwoman of the Mühlviertel Women's Shelter Association, happily. So far, there are six such facilities in Upper Austria, where 47 women and 80 children can find shelter. In addition, the state provides four aftercare apartments and seven transitional apartments.

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We don't want to tear women away from their familiar surroundings. And in the countryside, in the Mühlviertel, we need a facility.


Sabine Schatz, Obfrau vom Verein Frauenhaus Mühlviertel.

The women's shelter in Linz is already at over 95% capacity on a permanent basis. "But it's not a problem in the central area. Violence against women happens everywhere and has unfortunately increased dramatically as a result of the crises of recent years. We assume that the house in the Mühlviertel will be ready for occupancy in 2026," says Haberlander. With the women's emergency number 0800 222 555, which is free, anonymous and staffed 365 days a year, there is already a good network of prevention and help services in this country.

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