1,000 % against the right

Lena Meyer-Landrut: “The AfD must be banned”

10.05.2024 14:29

Singer Lena Meyer-Landrut is calling for a tougher approach to right-wing populists.

"The AfD must be banned," she told Der Spiegel in a recent interview.

"1,000 percent against the right"
The former song contest winner explained: "In this country and at this time, you simply don't have the option of positioning yourself far to the right. I like to repeat that on all my platforms. Even if I lose followers as a result, I don't care. I'm 1,000 percent against the right and against the AfD."

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I am 1,000 percent against the right and against the AfD.

Lena Meyer-Landrut

The Alternative for Germany (AfD for short) is a right-wing populist party in Germany.

Self-doubt and depression
In the interview, the 32-year-old also spoke about self-doubt, her psyche and the depression she suffers from. According to Lena Meyer-Landrut, she deliberately did not make her diagnosis public for a long time.

Lena Meyer-Landrut (Bild: Henning Kaiser / dpa / picturedesk.com)
Lena Meyer-Landrut

"Not a depression activist"
She "doesn't want to be a depression activist", said Meyer-Landrut. "Others are much better at that. I don't want to be reduced to that either. For me, this diagnosis is simply part of my life, part of normality. It belongs to me. I don't like it when depression is treated like a sensation."

Fortunately, she has a great therapist who has taught her how to help herself.

The singer, who grew up in Hanover and was sponsored by entertainer Stefan Raab, won the Eurovision Song Contest for Germany at the age of 19 with the song "Satellite". She took part in several seasons of the Sat.1 music casting show "The Voice Kids" as a coach.

She keeps her private life strictly out of the public eye. She fights for her privacy to remain her privacy and is allowed to decide for herself what becomes public and what does not, the singer once told dpa.

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