After a heavy fall

Tour start? “Jonas is recovering extremely quickly”

04.05.2024 15:38

Visma sports director Merijn Zeeman believes that defending champion Jonas Vingegaard, who is out of action due to serious crash injuries, could take part in the Tour de France in July.

Zeeman is optimistic that the Dane's rehabilitation will proceed quickly enough. However, Zeeman told the Wielerflits portal that he will have to miss the team's altitude training camp in Spain, which has just begun, as well as the Dauphine Criterium at the beginning of June.

Forecasts are difficult
Nevertheless, Zeeman is confident that he will see Vingegaard at the start of the Tour at the beginning of July. "We are definitely keeping the chance open that he will make it to the start of the tour. Jonas is extremely talented and we know that he also recovers extremely quickly," said Zeeman.

However, it is difficult to predict how his recovery from the fractures to his collarbone and several ribs and a collapsed lung suffered during the Tour of the Basque Country on April 4 will progress. "The medical staff can't say much about the program he will be able to complete in the near future. We'll have to wait and see, but we still hope that he can defend his title."

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