Hanke in the Hanseatic city

Hamburg wants to learn sustainability from Vienna

28.04.2024 16:00

Hamburg and Vienna have a lot in common: conurbations of almost exactly the same size with similar levels of commuter traffic, noise and environmental pollution, not least because of the energy consumption of their inhabitants. In the Hanseatic city, people apparently think that Vienna has the better ideas for solving many of these problems.

In the annual German city rankings published by "Wirtschaftswoche", Hamburg regularly cuts a good figure in terms of economic dynamism and living conditions in the city. In one category, however, the metropolis on the Elbe is only ever ranked at the bottom: Sustainability. This was precisely the reason for an invitation to Vienna's City Councillor for Economic Affairs Peter Hanke and Walter Ruck, President of the Vienna Chamber of Commerce.

"Vienna can make a huge contribution"
At the meeting with Hamburg's Mayor Peter Tschentscher, the main focus was therefore on sustainability strategies in cities. Vienna can "make an enormous contribution to this and can point to numerous projects that have already been implemented", said Hanke proudly, referring to the new large-scale heat pump in Simmering and the e-competence center of Wiener Linien, where the photovoltaic system on the roof also generates the electricity for the center and 60 e-buses.

However, both cities also have common challenges for which the dialog should lead to better solutions. Topics of discussion included the thermal refurbishment of existing buildings and the possibilities of using hydrogen as a sustainable energy source. Here, Vienna was able to report on its experience with the recently opened new electrolysis center, in which hydrogen is now produced directly in the city.

Hamburg is ahead in future technologies
In addition, Hamburg and Vienna are experiencing similar developments in the social and economic sphere - for example, the gap between the sluggish construction industry and the growing shortage of housing. And last but not least, Vienna also wanted to learn from Hamburg during the visit where the Hanseatic city is ahead, for example in terms of economic innovation: With its Artificial Intelligence Center (ARIC), Hamburg is poised to become Europe's AI capital.

Hamburg has its own Ministry of Economics and Innovation responsible for future technologies. A meeting between Hanke and Ruck and its head Andreas Rieckhof was on the agenda during the two-day visit, as was a visit to the ARIC. The visit was organized by Vienna Economic Development (VED), a joint subsidiary of the city and the Vienna Chamber of Commerce.

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