Sunshine until midweek

After the cold snap: soon 29 degrees in the country again!

28.04.2024 13:30

After the cold snap in Austria, the early summer weather is finally set to return. But not for too long: according to the Geosphere Austria forecast, up to 29 degrees are expected on Tuesday before a low-pressure system brings back heavier cloud, rain and cooling.

So the new week starts with often sunny weather. However, high cloud fields - as well as Saharan dust, especially in the west - will cloud the picture somewhat. Early temperatures will range from two to eleven degrees, with daytime highs of 22 to 27 degrees.

Up to 29 degrees on Sunday
The high pressure weather will continue on Tuesday. It will remain very sunny and only occasionally will thin clouds pass in high layers. According to the Geosphere forecast, temperatures will reach early summer levels with a foehn-like southerly current. In the morning, five to 13 degrees are expected, during the day 22 to even 29 degrees.

Continued sunshine in the east
On the national holiday, May 1st on Wednesday, weak low pressure from the west between Vorarlberg and Upper Carinthia will bring dense clouds and some rain. The area south of the main Alpine ridge will be particularly affected. The rest of the country will remain sunny and warm in early summer. The thermometer will climb to between five and twelve degrees in the morning, with temperatures between 20 and 27 degrees during the day.

Rain and thunderstorms in the west
On Thursday, a weak low-pressure system centered over western Austria will bring widespread dense cloud cover as well as rain, showers and brief thunderstorms. Areas in the west and south of the country will be particularly affected. East of the Innviertel and the Wechsel region, it will initially remain mostly free of precipitation and occasionally sunny. Maximum daily temperatures of 18 to 25 degrees.

Rainy weather towards the weekend
The end of the working week will begin with heavy cloud and in many cases overcast conditions. This is due to the influence of low pressure in the Eastern Alps. Widespread rain showers, sometimes with thunderstorms. There will be persistent rain in the mountains. In the afternoon, the clouds in the south-east and east will clear up again somewhat, with most of the showers subsiding. According to the forecast, early temperatures will be between four and 13 degrees, with daily highs from west to east between four and 18 degrees.
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