For the summer

Colorful summer plants with added value

26.04.2024 09:48

The red ballarina (Sundaville) is certainly one of the classic heat-tolerant plants. As a creeper with fleshy roots, it forgives many a watering mistake and delights with bright red, funnel-shaped flowers from May until frost. Find out which other plants, fruit and vegetables tolerate heat here.

Summer is approaching and amateur and professional gardeners alike are now faced with the question of which plants can be planted without worrying about heat death. In addition to pelargoniums, begonias, sage species, cape margarites, rambunctus and noon flowers, purslane also cope well with high temperatures

The substrate (soil) and nutrient supply are also crucial for stress tolerance to heat and drought. High-quality potting soil with a high clay content (KARAHUM®) and the addition of a depot fertilizer when planting ensure optimum starting conditions.

Red Ballarina (Bild: Kärntner Gärtnerein)
Red Ballarina

Fruit for your own garden
Columnar fruit also cuts a fine figure in small gardens and on balconies. The growth habit remains narrow and is more vertical than wide. Depending on the variety, the first fruits can be harvested as early as the 2nd year. The garden plant 2024 - the slender Willi - is very convincing in this respect. This columnar apple tree impresses with its special flowers and incomparable fruit. With a width of just 60 cm and a maximum height of 2.50 m, it can also find its place on a balcony or terrace!

Garden plant of the year 2024, columnar apple tree (Bild: Kärntner Gärtnerein)
Garden plant of the year 2024, columnar apple tree

Offered in a pot, it can be planted all year round. If it stays in a pot, it should be as large as possible. Pruning is particularly easy: there is no pruning! The intense pink flowers sit close to the stem. These produce small, dark red colored apples with red flesh. Children especially love the handy fruit size!

Delicious berries
You will often find one or two berry bushes in gardens at home. Strawberries in particular, with their sweetness, are very popular here. A distinction is made here between once-bearing and remontant varieties. The former produce their fruits from June to July and the remontant or everbearing varieties have fruits from June to October. Strawberries love a full sun location and need an even supply of water. When planting, it is essential to ensure that the "heart" is not planted too deep. The planting distance in the row should be 25-30 cm, if you plant several rows, the distance between the rows should be 50-70 cm.

Your Carinthian nurseries

Visit your local nursery in Carinthia and get the right seeds and materials to be prepared for the coming summer. You can find out where the nearest nursery in your region is HERE.

Raspberries are also an absolute hit. There are a few things to bear in mind when planting a raspberry bed to ensure many years of enjoyment and a rich harvest. Choose a location where raspberries have not been planted before. Raspberries like deep soil without compaction. The bed must therefore be loosened two spades deep and mature compost worked in, especially if the soil is clayey. A framework allows the shoots to grow upright. Two stakes with three tensioning wires at a height of 40, 80 and 120 cm are sufficient. Plant with a distance of 50 cm between the plants. Raspberries are shallow-rooted plants. Therefore, when fertilizing and weeding, dig as little as possible to avoid damaging the roots. Fertilizer or compost should be applied to the surface in spring. A layer of mulch to protect against drying out is recommended.

Vegetables from the garden
Growing vegetables in your own garden is also quite easy with the right knowledge. Barbecue and snack onions are popular with gardeners. These are characterized by their mild taste and their impressive size - they weigh up to 2 kg. Young plants are available from Kärntner Gärtner from the beginning of April. They are planted 25 x 25 cm apart in vegetable or raised beds. Covering them with a crop protection net prevents infestation by the onion fly.

(Bild: Kärntner Gärtnerein)

Tomatoes can also be planted quickly with the right know-how. They need a sheltered, warm spot and nutrient-rich, well-fertilized, loose and humus-rich soil. In the Carinthian climate, with its cool nights (dew formation), they feel at home on a south-facing wall, protected from rain by a roof overhang. The side shoots should be regularly removed by "pinching out" (exception: bush tomatoes). This ensures a rich fruit set and ripening. Flavorino, the "Carinthian tomato", has a high yield and is very resistant to late blight. A little tip: Only plant outdoors after the Ice Saints, in mid-May!

Don't forget to prune out the tomatoes. (Bild: Kärntner Gärtnerein)
Don't forget to prune out the tomatoes.

Air-conditioning tree
In the midst of progressive climate change, which is being felt in both urban and rural areas, climate-resistant trees and shrubs are becoming increasingly important. These plants make a decisive contribution to regulating our microclimate - they improve air quality, provide shelter for wildlife and increase the quality of life through their cooling effect.

In the Carinthian tree nurseries you will find a diverse selection of woody plants that are perfectly adapted to the new climatic conditions. Whether it's about providing shade, increasing humidity through evaporation or simply increasing well-being through their calming greenery, the right choice makes all the difference. From the columnar hornbeam, which is ideal for solitary plantings, to the hackberry tree with edible fruit, each plant offers unique benefits.

(Bild: Kärntner Gärtnerein)

Not forgetting the ecological value of the plants: Many serve as food trees for bees, butterflies and birds, thus supporting biodiversity in your garden. Ask your Carinthian tree nursery for advice on which species are best suited to your location and which care measures are necessary to maintain your green companions in the long term. Plant climate-friendly trees and shrubs and make an active contribution to environmental protection while at the same time creating a refuge for local fauna.

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