Construction project on the Danube

“Don’t leave the shipyard site to property speculators”

23.04.2024 11:00

Due to the turbulence within the Signa Group, the so-called development of the historic shipyard site in Korneuburg is currently on hold. In an open letter, representatives of the association "Brennpunkt Werft" advocate the development of an environmentally and socially compatible project.

In an open letter, the board of the "Brennpunkt Werft" association addresses the issue today. Harry deBoer, Regina Gruber, Elisabeth Kerschbaum, Andrea Mras and Karin Zalesak address the mayor and all local councillors: "We don't want a second Signa. The shipyard must not be left to the next real estate speculator!" Instead of waiting for the next "developer" and his wishes, the city should now draw up a concept on how to increase the proportion of public property in the shipyard.

City should buy more land
This is because the city owns just as much land on the site as Signa. In order to "buy up" further areas now, the municipality should make budget funds available. "This is another reason why rezoning is out of the question at the moment," it says. At the same time, a survey should be carried out to determine which properties are important for a gentle development of the area. In the current situation, it is important for the "Brennpunkt Werft" activists to negotiate a "common path for the future of the site".

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