Voter flow analysis

Voter flow analysis: young and rich are green

17.04.2024 13:00

The local council and mayoral elections in Innsbruck on Sunday were hard to beat in terms of excitement. There were winners and losers - and surprises too. Where are the strongholds of the parties/lists in the provincial capital? And which age group voted for whom? The city's election analysis answers these and many other interesting questions.

Compared to the 2018 municipal council elections, the number of eligible voters has decreased by 3,681 people (-3.5%). "The decline is entirely due to the decrease in Austrian citizens, whose contingent has shrunk by 6588 people. The increase of 2907 people (+16.3%) among EU citizens could not compensate for this decrease," reads the 100-page election analysis by the City of Innsbruck.

Calculated across all age groups, the proportion of EU citizens is 20 percent; in absolute figures, there are 20,788 of the 100,564 eligible voters, almost 10,000 of whom are German.

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The SPÖ was able to win back voters formerly lost to the FPÖ and FI and also score points with disappointed former Green voters.

Wahlanalyse der Stadt Innsbruck

"Young electoral districts" voted Green
In young age groups, however, the proportion of Union citizens rose to almost 40 percent. Almost two thirds of these (13,617 people or 65.5%) are in the 20 to 39 age group. As the analyses show, the Greens in particular achieved their best results in the "young electoral districts".

Performance in the respective strongholds
The extent to which the individual parties were able to mobilize their clientele can be seen from the results in the party strongholds: "Looking at the changes there, two things can be stated: The SPÖ was able to win back voters formerly lost to the FPÖ and FI and also score points with disappointed former Green voters. The majority of 'middle-class' voters opted for the list of former ÖVP Deputy Prime Minister Johannes Anzengruber."

(Bild: Krone KREATIV)

Looking at the results in the different types of areas, the highest support for the Greens was found in the centrally located residential areas with a high proportion of high school graduates and students (25.9%). The KPÖ also scored above average here with 10.3%, which could indicate a "student influence".

Residents of the hillside areas voted for Anzengruber
"The YES list (Johannes Anzengruber, note) clearly has its strongest supporters in the high-status residential areas on slopes, some of which have a village character and a high proportion of academics and self-employed people. At 22.6%, it was ahead of the Green Party, which came in at 21.1%. The middle-class Tursky collective list came in just behind the FPÖ with 12.3 percent in the hillside areas with 11.6 percent."

Greens and YES dominated wealthy neighborhoods
The FPÖ scored points in the residential areas in the east of the city, which have a high residential density and a high proportion of workers (24.6%), as well as in the residential areas of "ordinary" people with a high proportion of old buildings (24.9%). In the electoral districts with a very below-average income, the FPÖ was ahead of all other lists with a 22.9% share of the vote. The SPÖ followed in second place with 15.3%. The Greens (22.4%) and the YES list (20%) dominated in electoral districts with well above-average incomes," the report states.

Preferential votes: Partial victory for the FPÖ
The preferred vote emperor of the Innsbruck election is Markus Lassenberger. The FPÖ top candidate and former deputy mayor won 2361 votes. Second place went to Johannes Anzengruber (JA), the run-off opponent of incumbent Willi: 2225 voted for him. The city leader came third with 1630 preferential votes, followed by SPÖ top candidate Elisabeth Mayr (1595).

The ÖVP candidate Florian Tursky (791) comes a respectful distance behind.

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