To masturbate

Burgenland man terrorized women with sex calls

16.04.2024 13:15

Within a week, a sex caller dialed the number of the Burgenland transport authority a record-breaking 2507 times to masturbate on the phone. A fine!

After a more than hard working week, the patience of the five employees at the Burgenland public transport company's dispatcher hotline finally snapped: The 39-year-old was reported for persistent persecution. The man from central Burgenland had called 2507 times with a suppressed number to have sex talks with the women and satisfy himself in the process. That's an average of 358 times per day or 45 times per hour. "I had previously tried professional erotic hotlines, but the dialect there totally turned me off."

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I didn't get a kick out of a real erotic hotline. And here, the dialect turned me on sexually.

Der 39-jährige nennt beim Prozess am Landesgericht Eisenstadt seine Beweggründe.

"Moaning into the phone"
Lawyer Michael Dohr went to bat for his client. "He never showed up at this call center, so he never tried to meet the women." Two or three women had given him the feeling "that they were listening to me", said the defendant at the Eisenstadt Regional Court. Judge Karin Lückl immediately intervened. "Don't you think they just put the phone down knowing that you would call them again anyway?" One of the victims stated that she herself had been harassed up to 200 times by these sex calls. The man always moaned into the phone and clearly articulated his desires. "I usually hung up straight away and never waited until he was finished."

The man from Central Burgenland did not want to hear the audio files at the trial. Also because the blameless man had fully confessed anyway. "I want to apologize sincerely. I know that this call center is not meant for this."

The man accepted the diversion - a fine of 2,000 euros and 200 euros compensation to each of the five women - without thinking. "Do I have a criminal record now?" he wanted to know. "No!" - "Very good, great."

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