AMS takes countermeasures

Migrants particularly often unemployed: what to do?

15.04.2024 17:00

Tyrol recently recorded the lowest unemployment rate in Austria. But there are upward outliers. People entitled to asylum and protection find it extremely difficult to gain a foothold in the job market. The AMS Tirol is relying on a new training program based on the Viennese model.

The Austrian Court of Audit recently criticized the federal government. It lacks an overall strategy to combat the shortage of skilled workers. In addition to other aspects, it is argued that too little is being done to integrate migrants into the labor market.

Unemployment rate of more than 17 percent
This is also evident when looking at the figures in Tyrol. According to AMS Tirol, the unemployment rate among people entitled to asylum and protection is particularly high. Women from Iraq (17.9%), Syria (17.1%) and Afghanistan (16.1%) recently recorded the highest rates. For men from these countries of origin, the unemployment rate in Tyrol in 2023 was 13.1% (Iraq), 12.7% (Syria) and 9.7% (Afghanistan). By comparison, the average unemployment rate in Tyrol in the previous year was less than four percent.

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By supporting these young people to strengthen their skills, we are not only investing in their future, but also in the future of Tyrol.

(Bild: © AMS Tirol / Sabine Kelz)

Sabine Platzer-Werlberger, AMS-Chefin in Tirol

Language skills and education are the biggest hurdles
Poor language skills and poor and unrecognized training are two of the main reasons for the high unemployment rate among migrants. This particularly affects many young people. Last year, more than 900 people under the age of 25 who were granted asylum were without a job in Tyrol; the March statistics currently show 343 unemployed people in this group.

Symbolfoto (Bild: Christof Birbaumer)

New youth college based on the Vienna model
The new AMS Tirol youth college training program is aimed at these young people. It is modeled on a project in Vienna. It was launched at the beginning of March. 48 places are available. AMS regional managing director Sabine Platzer-Werlberger expects full capacity utilization at the beginning of May. Young refugees from Afghanistan, Iran, Syria and other countries are taking part in the 12-month basic training course. Platzer-Werlberger emphasizes that the college is also open to young people from Austria and EU countries. All those who find it particularly difficult to gain a foothold in the job market.

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The AMS Jugendcollege is not only a springboard for young people with refugee experience into the Tyrolean labor market, but also a guide for their long-term integration.

(Bild: © AMS Tirol / Sabine Kelz)

Sabine Platzer-Werlberger, AMS-Chefin in Tirol

Focus on preparation for apprenticeships and language support
Language support and preparation for an apprenticeship are at the heart of the training courses. "The AMS Youth College is not only a springboard for young people with refugee experience into the Tyrolean labor market, but also a guide for their long-term integration," the AMS manager is convinced. The coming years will show whether the concept works and expectations are met.

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