Embarrassing mishap

Goalie blames Liverpool goal on mega blunder!

04.04.2024 21:14

You wish there was a hole you could crawl into and then there isn't - Sheffield United goalkeeper Ivo Grbić did his reputation no favors with an embarrassing mishap and gifted Liverpool the early 1-0 in the clash between the two Premier League teams!

"Gifted" is truly the right word, as the goal, which the league's statisticians undoubtedly credit to Reds star Darwin Núñez, actually "belongs" at least 90 percent to the Croatian goalkeeper of the league stragglers.

It was minute 17 at the legendary Anfield Road stadium when the yellow-clad visitors unceremoniously played the ball back to their goalkeeper from just behind the halfway line. Grbić certainly seemed to have enough time to receive the ball and look around for a suitable passing option. In addition, Núñez interpreted his role as the foremost forechecking player very cautiously.

Núñez's ball rolled unstoppably into the Sheffield United goal
But because Sheffield's goalkeeper couldn't decide where to pass the ball, the Uruguayan, who was actually just trotting in his direction, suddenly found himself in front of him full of space - and when Grbić did get his head to it, the ball didn't go far, but caught Núñez instead. It bounced back off him and rolled unstoppably into the Sheffield United goal ...

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