Four years in prison

Underage daughter severely incriminated father

04.04.2024 16:36

A man from Burgenland was sentenced to four years in prison at Eisenstadt Regional Court for serious sexual abuse and rape of the girl, born in 2014. He vehemently denied the assaults to the end and immediately filed an appeal and an appeal for annulment after the verdict was announced.

In 2021, a father of a family (38) allegedly did heinous things to his then seven-year-old and later eight-year-old daughter. The man now had to answer for serious sexual abuse of minors, rape and defilement of blood at Eisenstadt Regional Court. According to the public prosecutor, 20 assaults were alleged to have taken place when the mother was at work and the older brother was sitting in his room.

The accused, who was released from custody, pleaded not guilty until the end. (Bild: HS, Krone KREATIV)
The accused, who was released from custody, pleaded not guilty until the end.

Traumatized girl
The child suffers from severe post-traumatic stress disorder, according to the private party representative, who demanded 10,000 euros for the girl to finance therapy.

"Cuddling is completely normal"
"I'm innocent!" said the man from Burgenland, who had been released from custody. "It's all made up. I can't explain why she's accusing me of this, especially a year later." Admittedly, he had occasionally cuddled with his daughter while watching TV. "That's completely normal!" There may also have been skin contact, for example on her back. "But never on purpose."

The accused also denied problems within the family and frequent arguments with his wife before the public was excluded from the trial. And: he did not have an alcohol problem, which the children and his wife had mentioned in their interviews. "It was only after the allegations came up that I drank more often and more."

Court of lay assessors has no doubts
After seven hours, the court of lay assessors chaired by Doris Halper-Praunias reached a verdict. "There is absolutely no reason to doubt the girl's detailed descriptions," said Ms. Rat. The father immediately lodged an appeal against the four-year sentence plus 10,000 euros in compensation for pain and suffering and an appeal for annulment.

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