Incident in Atlanta

Driver crashes into security barrier outside FBI office

02.04.2024 12:04

In the US state of Georgia, a man tried to enter the premises of the FBI regional office in Atlanta with his car on Monday. A security barrier stopped the vehicle and the suspect was arrested immediately. The car was severely damaged when it crashed into the barrier (see video above).

The man had been following an FBI employee in the car and crashed into the security barrier, which prevented him from entering the site. Explosives experts and agents investigated the vehicle. The driver was arrested and subsequently examined at a hospital.

Suspect is a Navy veteran
No one was injured in the incident and there was no information on the man's motives, the TV station CNN reported. According to two law enforcement agencies, the suspect is a Navy veteran from the US state of South Carolina.

The man is now in the custody of DeKalb County police, a federal law enforcement official said. The suspect was not affiliated with the facility and had tried to follow an employee through the front gate, FBI Special Agent Peter Ellis told reporters at the scene Monday afternoon. "He tried to get through the gate, but our security prevented him from doing so."

The incident occurred about two weeks after the FBI's Atlanta field office conducted a drill with its employees to test how to respond to an unauthorized intrusion, a law enforcement source familiar with security planning at the FBI told CNN.

Security measures increased
Due to a wave of threats against its employees and an attempted break-in at an FBI field office in Cincinnati in 2022, the FBI has steadily increased security measures in recent years.

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