Concerns ahead of the EM

Fear of terrorism? England women rely on ex-military personnel

01.04.2024 21:38

It is supposed to be a top-class sporting festival, a showcase for the great nations and stars of European soccer, as well as inspiring the fans on site and in front of their TV sets - but with the European Football Championship approaching, terrorism concerns are increasingly coming to the fore! For example, the wives of England's team stars. They now want to take their security at the tournament taking place in Germany into their own hands ...

As the "Sun" reports, the players' wives, known in England as "WAGs" ("Wives And Girlfriends"), have decided not just to rely on the security forces provided by the association and the German police, but to hire former military personnel at their own expense.

According to an insider, the costs will amount to at least 75,000 euros - and if the "Three Lions" make it to the final, it would be more than 100,000 euros. A sum that Fern Maguire, Megan Pickford and Co. are apparently willing to pay for their safety.

Trained to deal with threats of all kinds
It is important to the players' wives that the guards are trained to deal with threats of all kinds and act from a discreet distance so as not to attract too much attention. A side effect of this is that the ex-military personnel would only be obliged to the "WAGs" and not to the FA - which means that any missteps by the ladies, some of whom are considered hard-drinking, would not have to reach the FA directly ...

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