50 years of exhibitions

50th anniversary celebrations at Schallaburg Castle

01.04.2024 16:00

The show "Renaissance once, now & here" will celebrate "50 years of exhibitions" from April 13.

The magnificent Schallaburg Castle is located in the picturesque foothills of the Alps in Melk. Half a century of cultural highlights have been presented in and around the historic building. Now this anniversary is being celebrated: for 50 years, Schallaburg Castle has been delighting visitors from near and far with its unique charm and impressive program as one of Lower Austria's most popular excursion destinations.

Experience at the highest level
Governor Johanna Mikl-Leitner underlines the importance of Schallaburg Castle as an international exhibition center: "The Renaissance castle is a living testimony to our rich history and a shining symbol of our cultural future. For 50 years it has offered families and guests an overall experience at the highest level. Together with the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna and Ambras Castle, we have therefore also proclaimed the Year of the Renaissance at Schallaburg Castle in this anniversary year."

New insights into 1000 years of history
This year's exhibition "Renaissance once, now & here" builds on this and makes the castle itself the central exhibit. Visitors can experience areas that were previously not open to the public, such as the new castle and the cryptoporticus, and gain revealing insights into the complex, whose history began 1,000 years ago, through restored and newly created visual axes. Managing Director Erwin Klissenbauer: "The Schallaburg is an unforgettable favorite place for guests who like to spend a whole day here." The exhibition opens its doors on April 13.

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