The "Krone" Lower Austria column

The little messenger celebrates three years of column

30.03.2024 05:50

Why I have loved addressing these words to you for three years. As a columnist, "Die kleine Botin" aka Daniela Gaigg writes about topics relating to life with the family. These are sustainability in everyday life, self-care and food for thought for parents.

Three years ago, on Good Friday 2021, I was able to start something that I had never dared to dream of before: My own column appeared in Austria's largest daily newspaper!

I have already been able to address more than 40,000 words to you in this way and I look forward to writing many more. It's important to me that you can take something away from each of my texts: Sometimes a little DIY idea and other times I share my thoughts on being a mom. Although the columns are short and sweet, I fill them with a lot of heart and love.

Just like today, when I wrote the first lines in 2021, Easter was just around the corner and with it the new beginning, the new season that brings more light, warmth and love into the country. And it is the same today as I write these lines. I am happy to let a lot of new things into my life and even if you can never be sure in situations like this whether every bud will blossom or actually develop into a fruit in the end, you should give it a chance.

That is also what I would like to pass on: love and openness for new things, for ourselves and for the people around us. In this way, our children learn what it means to trust their own intuition, their gut feeling and, above all, to "accept what is."

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