Company of the month

Sewer renovation meets handshake quality

29.03.2024 09:00

They renovate and repair - but also take time for personal discussions with customers. MM Kanal-Rohr-Sanierung is an industry specialist, impresses with its handshake quality and has received the Company of the Month award from the Styrian Business Promotion Agency.

"Handshake quality and personal contact with customers have always been important to us," says Michaela Mock, "even in this day and age, when digitalization is advancing all the time." As Managing Director of MM Kanal-Rohr-Sanierung, she has been working with local authorities, construction companies and private customers since 2003 to ensure clean and leak-free sewer systems. "Many of our employees have many years of experience, some of them have been with us since the company was founded," says Mock.

What makes it special: The Styrian company offers pipe and sewer renovation without any digging. "This is an advantage, especially in urban areas," says Mock. Instead, the workers go into the manhole of wastewater or drinking water systems. Trenchless pipe rehabilitation approaches the problem from the inside, deep below the surface, directly in the pipe itself. This method reduces both noise pollution and traffic obstructions to a minimum and eliminates the need for excavation work.

This specialization makes MM Kanal-Rohr-Sanierung one of the largest providers in Austria. Many municipalities call us back year after year - they renovate one street and then the next," says Mock. Private customers can be helped with complete offers for blockages or burst pipes. "Personal contact and regular exchanges, including in the form of coffee, are important to us."

Mock herself has only been managing director for a year, but with 20 years of experience in the company, she has witnessed all the milestones. Headquartered in Hartl, Styria, the first expansion to Kirchdorf in Tyrol took place in 2010. This was followed by locations in Vienna, Oberwart and Faak am See. The company now employs almost 50 people in total.

"Our regular customers rely on our many years of expertise," says Mock. Quality has always been more important to her than quantity. "Putting something in the pipe quickly doesn't last long. We repair in such a way that it will definitely last ten years." For this, the Styrian Business Promotion Agency awarded the prize for Company of the Month.

Every month, the SFG puts forward three candidates for Company of the Month. They introduce themselves in a video. Everyone can then vote on

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