Victory in run-off election

Three jobs: SPÖ leader now also head of the town

25.03.2024 08:00

With a clear success, SPÖ provincial party leader David Egger ends the era of the ÖVP in Neumarkt. Due to the multiple functions, however, the mayoral celebration in the town was only a short one.

Alongside his wife Laurentina, federal party leader Andreas Babler and AK President Peter Eder were the first to congratulate David Egger. The 37-year-old will be the new mayor of the Wallersee town of Neumarkt. In the run-off election, he won a surprisingly clear victory with 57 percent of the vote against the incumbent mayor Adi Rieger (ÖVP), ending his ten-year term of office. The People's Party has ruled the town for the past 25 years. "I am proud and overwhelmed. I didn't think it would be so clear-cut," says Egger.

He now has three jobs waiting for him: mayor, club chairman in the provincial parliament and provincial party leader. The ÖVP had warned in advance that Egger would not be able to concentrate fully on Neumarkt. "Apparently only the People's Party is worried," said the future head of the town.

He got his first taste of the extra workload immediately after winning the election: there wasn't too much time to celebrate with the people of Neumarkt, as he had to rush off to Bernhard Auinger's election party - as leader of the state party.

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