In Flachgau

People’s Party threatens to lose three strongholds

24.03.2024 09:00

In Flachgau, there was still no decision in the first round of voting in Neumarkt, Schleedorf and Strobl. All three towns are currently still governed by the ÖVP.

Only three of the 37 Flachgau municipalities are holding a mayoral run-off election today. The town of Neumarkt is a major focus. Because in the Wallersee municipality, SPÖ regional party leader David Egger is trying to oust the incumbent mayor Adi Rieger (ÖVP) from office. In this election campaign, even the provincial parties tried to create an atmosphere for their candidates or against each other. "But it was a very fair election campaign. There was no undercutting," says Mayor Rieger, who went on the hunt for voters with a number of campaigns in the past two weeks. Of course, Egger did the same, who was able to count on the support of election winners Tanja Kreer (Straßwalchen) and Michael Schwarzmayer (Mattsee).

SPÖ provincial party leader David Egger won the first round of voting in Neumarkt. (Bild: Tröster Andreas)
SPÖ provincial party leader David Egger won the first round of voting in Neumarkt.

Theblue party still has one man in the race
The ÖVP received help from Provincial Councillor Josef Schwaiger and Governor Wilfried Haslauer. The head of the state also took the opportunity to support the young mayoral candidate Martina Berger in Schleedorf. She still has to prove herself against the FPÖ candidate Georg Winterreiter.

Christof Hillebrand (ÖVP) and Harald Humer (SPÖ) are going head to head in the run-off in Strobl. In the first round of voting, the two candidates were separated by just 19 votes - with a slight advantage for the ÖVP candidate, who wants to succeed Josef Weikinger as head of the village. The provincial parties also got involved in the election campaign in Strobl. For example, the provincial SPÖ sees dirty campaigning by the People's Party against its candidate.

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