Speed rock'n'roller

Gabalier wants to set a record with leaf blowers

14.03.2024 12:41

Exoskeleton, special suit, skates and twelve leaf blowers on their backs: this is how Nicole Schmidhofer and Andreas Gabalier want to break the world speed record in the Arctic Circle.

The epic showdown is planned for the beginning of next week, depending on the weather conditions. The risky undertaking will take place in the Arctic Circle, where the bare ice of the legendary race track in Arjeplog offers ideal conditions. A highly professional TV crew will not only produce social media content, but also create a comprehensive documentary of this unique event.

Wants to "rock it"
Andreas Gabalier expressed his confidence: "As a passionate ice hockey player, I have enough skating experience to rock this thing. But skating across the ice of Lapland at high speed is, of course, in a league of its own."

Safety first and foremost
The safety of the participants is paramount, and intensive preparations and a comprehensive safety concept are already in full swing. The equipment will be specially adapted to meet the requirements of the record attempt.

Finally, a special unit from Austria will be on site to carefully inspect the course and prevent accidents. In the end, the timekeeping will decide who will set the record and thus be immortalized in the book of records.

00:00 / 00:00
1.0x Geschwindigkeit
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