Election 2024

SPÖ leader David Egger sees a sign of life

12.03.2024 21:40

After a lull, the Red Party had something to cheer about again on Sunday.

In recent years, the Salzburg Social Democrats have had little reason to cheer. That changed on Sunday. "It was overwhelming with some outstanding results," said a delighted David Egger, head of the SPÖ provincial party. In Hallein, Oberndorf and Mattsee, for example, the mayors can now govern with an absolute majority.

In Straßwalchen, as in Neumarkt, they are the strongest parliamentary group in terms of votes and, in general, the Reds were strong in the urban centers. "There was also a sign of life in the provincial capital. Many had already written off the SPÖ nationwide and we have now surprised them," says Egger, convinced of the Social Democrats' path. He sees the citizens' desire for more social justice. He does not want to let the historically low result of the city SPÖ in a local council election be talked down to him. After all, they managed to get back into first place: "A win is a win".

Egger believes in victory in the run-off election
Egger also wants to take the high spirits back to his home municipality. On Palm Sunday, he will be battling against the incumbent mayor Adi Rieger (ÖVP) in the run-off election for the mayor's seat. The SPÖ leader was narrowly ahead in the first round of voting. "We always believed it was possible. Now I want to close the bag," said Egger.

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