Sign of humility

Pope washes the feet of juvenile offenders

06.04.2023 18:29

On Maundy Thursday, Pope Francis washed the feet of twelve young people - ten boys and women of different ages and nationalities - at the Casal del Marmo juvenile detention center on the outskirts of Rome. One of them was a Muslim. Before washing their feet, Francis celebrated Mass with the young people in the presence of around 100 people.

This is the same prison where he washed the feet of male and female prisoners on Maundy Thursday ten years ago, shortly after his election as Pope. The Pope reached the altar for the ceremony in a wheelchair. "It is so beautiful to help one another, to extend a hand. These are universal human gestures. Jesus wants to teach us the nobility of heart with the gesture of washing feet," explained the Holy Father.

Francis took up the tradition again
In previous years, the Pope had already celebrated Mass on Maundy Thursday in various prisons. The tradition had been suspended in 2020 and 2021 due to the pandemic, but last year the Pope washed the feet of convicts in Civitavecchia prison north of Rome again. Mass on Maundy Thursday commemorates Jesus' Last Supper, during which he washed the feet of his twelve apostles as a sign of humility and love. Traditionally, the Holy Thursday liturgy took place in the Lateran Basilica, the actual Roman papal church. Francis' predecessors usually washed the feet of deserving clerics.

At his first Easter in 2013, Francis broke with tradition by celebrating the service in a juvenile detention center, largely excluding the media. In 2014, he moved the rite to a facility for the disabled. Among other things, he washed the feet of a Muslim disabled person from Libya. In 2015, the Pope washed the feet of inmates in Rome's Rebibbia prison. On Maundy Thursday 2016, he visited a refugee home. He washed the feet of refugees, including several Muslims.

Prelude to liturgical celebrations
On Thursday morning, Francis celebrated the Chrism Mass in St. Peter's Basilica with priests from the diocese of Rome and the Vatican Curia. The Chrism Mass marks the beginning of the great liturgical celebrations around Easter. At the Chrism Mass, the holy oils used for baptism, confirmation, anointing of the sick and ordinations are consecrated. At the same time, several priests renewed the promises they had made at their ordination in St. Peter's Basilica.

The Easter celebrations will continue on Friday with the Good Friday liturgy in the Vatican and the Stations of the Cross at the Colosseum. The Stations of the Cross commemorate the Passion of Jesus in 14 stations. It is one of the most impressive ceremonies in the Roman church year. The Easter Vigil in St. Peter's Basilica lasts several hours on Saturday evening, followed by the Easter Mass on Easter Sunday with the subsequent blessing "Urbi et orbi".
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