On femicides

Women’s City Councillor: “Education must start early”

04.03.2024 14:28

Five femicides in just one day have shaken Vienna. The city's response to this is workshops at schools on the subject of violence.

The large number of femicides leaves no one in the city cold - not even women's city councillor Kathrin Gaál (SPÖ). Although she has so far kept a low media profile. When asked by the "Krone" newspaper, she expressed her regret: "Like everyone else, I am deeply saddened by the series of murders of women."

At the same time, she emphasizes that there is already a dense network of protection against violence in Vienna. For example, a fifth women's shelter was opened at the end of 2022, including one specifically for teenagers, because it has been shown that they have other problems and need peers to talk to. But going to a women's shelter is only the last resort. A lot of prevention work is needed before that. Here, too, a lot has been done in recent years. As an example, Gaál mentions the expansion of anti-violence training and men's counseling.

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Like everyone else, I am deeply saddened by the series of murders of women. There is already a dense network of protection against violence in Vienna. This needs to be taught from an early age.

Frauenstadträtin Kathrin Gaál (SPÖ)

Offer workshops in elementary school too
However, it is difficult to reach certain population groups, especially migrants. This is where schools come into play, where lectures and workshops on the topic of protection against violence are held. So far only at secondary schools, but elementary school could soon be involved too. "It is important that we make girls aware of their rights as early as possible, and boys should also be made aware of what they can and cannot do and where the boundaries lie," says the city councillor.

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