Attack on FPÖ members

Green politician: “The Nazi votes for it!”

29.02.2024 14:14

At a meeting in Gumpoldskirchen in the district of Mödling (Lower Austria), a Green politician is said to have called a member of the Freedom Party who was present a "Nazi". The FPÖ is outraged and demands his immediate resignation.

As a renowned wine tavern town, Gumpoldskirchen is not known for its so-called "Rabiatperlen". But apparently this is only true when it comes to wine. It seems that local politics cannot compete with Rotgipfler & Co. when it comes to good taste. It's not every day that a Green - not a Veltliner, but a local councillor - causes an unseemly (verbal) burp.

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The Nazi votes for it!

Karl Kühn, grüner Gemeinderat in Gumpoldskirchen

The scandal occurred at a meeting of a municipal working group. Karl Kühn (Greens) commented on a vote on structural road safety measures in the village, which was also attended by FPÖ member Peter Souczek, with the words: "The Nazi is voting in favor." This was even recorded verbatim in the minutes of the meeting.

(Bild: zVg)

FPÖ has legal steps under consideration
It is clear that the Freedom Party is up in arms. "Such last-class statements are not to be tolerated," rages the blue district chairman, state councillor Christoph Luisser. He announces that the FPÖ is considering legal action in the matter. It is unacceptable that members of the Freedom Party have to be insulted as Nazis. "The Green Party leader is called upon to put the brakes on her mandataries," says Luisser, also taking Helga Krismer to task.

Exchange of blows between the Green Krismer and FPÖ provincial councillor Luisser (Bild:, FPÖ, Krone KREATIV)
Exchange of blows between the Green Krismer and FPÖ provincial councillor Luisser

She does just that, but not without a side blow to the Freedom Party: "The Blue Party in Lower Austria is a special collection on the right fringe of society," she begins her statement on the incident. However, she then went on to say: "The derailment is not right, an apology is in order." Everyone is required to call a spade a spade in politics, but not to throw accusations around. Krismer concluded: "This appeal is valid for all parties!"

"Protocol incomplete"
A short time later, Karl Kühn apologized: "It was wrong of me to use the term 'Nazi'." He had already apologized to Peter Souczek during the meeting. "The minutes may be incomplete."

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