Debate about giant wind turbines

How the dispute over wind turbines caused green energy to fizzle out

29.02.2024 05:45

The three wind turbines in Japons are now allowed to produce green energy again following a temporary ban by the Administrative Court. However, the Waldviertel wind farm clearly demonstrates that the wind power debate has reached many significant performance limits. There is also a discussion about a possible loophole in the law.

EVN is jubilant after the Administrative Court ordered it to erect its three wind turbines in Japons in the Horn district - a local resident appealed to the Supreme Court. The wind turbines are now finally allowed to turn again, but in the meantime the annual consumption of more than 800 average households has been blown to the eternal hunting grounds of the Waldviertel. "It's a good day for climate protection, green electricity is being produced there again," says EVN spokesperson Stefan Zach.

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The neighboring municipality can no longer do anything about repowering, even though wind turbines are now twice as high. A massive loophole in the law!

(Bild: Klaus Schindler)

Kurt Lobenschuß, SPÖ-Bezirksvorsitzender des Gemeindevertreterverbandes in Waidhofen an der Thaya

Far taller wind turbines today
The wind farm there underwent "repowering". After almost 20 years, seven small wind turbines gave way to three much taller turbines, as we reported. According to "Krone" information, more new power plants were planned for the wind farm - four of them were even approved, but only three were built. "Because the Klein Ulrichschlag substation is at its capacity limit," emphasizes Kurt Lobenschuß from the neighbouring municipality of Ludweis-Aigen, who is also head of the SPÖ association of municipal representatives in the district. "That is true. The transformer station was a major reason why we didn't build the fourth wind turbine. But there were also other good reasons," says Zach. The plans are still in the quiver.

EVN spokesman Stefan Zach, pictured in front of the wind turbines in the Waldviertel, confirms that they are at the limit. (Bild: EVN)
EVN spokesman Stefan Zach, pictured in front of the wind turbines in the Waldviertel, confirms that they are at the limit.
Because of green energy, many substations in Lower Austria are at their limit and need to be expanded as quickly as possible. (Bild: EXPA/ JFK)
Because of green energy, many substations in Lower Austria are at their limit and need to be expanded as quickly as possible.

Municipalities want to continue to have a say
Lobenschuss identifies a massive legal loophole in another aspect: "The wind turbines were 140 meters high back then, but today they protrude almost twice as far from the ground. The neighboring municipalities can prevent a new wind farm from being built closer than 2000 meters to their own residential areas, but they can also allow it up to 1200 meters. In the case of repowering, however, the municipality can no longer do anything," says Lobenschuss. This is true because the zoning no longer has to be changed. "However, factors such as the landscape also count in the EIA process for new turbines," says an expert.

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