Opernball TV review

Knoll as usher and confessions in the box

09.02.2024 00:15

TV viewers were once again up close and personal at the Ball of Balls. In the heat of the moment, there were also a few hijinks ... How did Mirjam Weichselbraun, Andi Knoll & Co. fare? Read the first review of the ORF broadcast here.

Despite all the glamor on the red carpet - the best place to be at the Opera Ball is at home on the couch. You won't miss a single oopsala or witty remark. And there was plenty of both during the ORF broadcast. Debut presenter Marion Benda in particular seemed slightly overwhelmed by the mass of potential conversation partners rushing past her on the Red Carpet. She repeatedly peppered guests with questions such as "Can you get your lady out of that dress today?", "Are those glasses or a hat?" or even "Why are you so late?" Finally, she recommended that cathedral priest Toni Faber set up a confessional box next year. He took it with humor ...

Meanwhile, Andi Knoll felt very comfortable in his own skin at his second Opernball engagement, even if some guests apparently thought he was an usher. At least less prominent ball visitors also had their say and when asked what she was planning to spend today, one lady coined the phrase of the evening, which also caused a stir on social media: "Got a budget, darling?"

Culture lady Teresa Vogl was eloquent and well prepared during her interviews. And the fact that Mirjam Weichselbraun is now the most experienced of the ORF Opera Ball presenters made a positive impression. She mastered the traditional interview with Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen and his First Lady Doris Schmidauer seriously and without any slip-ups. Perhaps it was an application for the "ZiB" studio?

Over the years, commentators Christoph Wagner-Trenkwitz and Karl Hohenlohe have become increasingly outdated - while the ORF had prescribed a "rejuvenation cure" for the presenters, they are obviously not thinking about it here. However, at least the shallow banter of the two urgently needs to be refreshed ...

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