Alexander Eder:

“None of our songs have ever been played on the radio”

26.05.2024 17:00

Local singer Alexander Eder (25), who comes from Waidhofen an der Ybbs n in Lower Austria, spoke to the "Krone" newspaper during his open air concert in Seefeld in Tyrol on Saturday about his success, the lack of appreciation in the industry and new plans. He had some honest words.

"Krone": Alexander, you have 618,000 followers on Instagram, three million on TikTok and 250,000 on Facebook. There is no other local artist who can keep up with these figures, is there?
Alexander Eder: That's right. In the pure music sector, there is certainly no other artist in Austria or Germany who has these figures.

Are you sufficiently appreciated by the music industry in Austria for this?
I have to be honest: we haven't received any support from Hitradio Ö3 yet, none of our songs have ever been played. And that's despite the fact that we're clearly in the pop and rock genre, which would fit like a glove. Our songs are listened to tens of millions of times on social media and we have many other arguments at the ready. But if Ö3 doesn't want it, so be it, I'm not angry with anyone. Maybe they'll figure it out, it would be a nice appreciation.

Eder has been creating his own stage outfits, such as shoes, for years... (Bild: Birbaumer Christof)
Eder has been creating his own stage outfits, such as shoes, for years... T-shirts are also available to buy. (Bild: Birbaumer Christof) T-shirts are also available to buy.

The presentation of the Amadeus Austrian Music Awards is also increasingly attracting criticism. Because there are artists who, despite great success, have not yet received a nomination or an award - like yourself, for example.
It would make sense to disclose the criteria! We should also know how many votes are cast and who votes. Then the whole thing would carry more weight and the award wouldn't lose more and more of its standing. Interest in it has declined recently, as can be seen from the viewing figures. And that should be questioned. Again, I'm not angry with anyone. But a nomination or an award would be a nice token of appreciation. Because we've worked so hard over the past few years and put in more hours than any other musician in Austria - I dare say that. And our success speaks for itself.

What else can your fans expect this year?
A big tour with lots of gigs in Austria, Germany, South Tyrol and Switzerland as well as new fan merchandise and - I'll reveal this exclusively here - we'll be dropping a real bombshell in the summer. I'm not allowed to give any more details yet, we're in the middle of the preparations.

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read the original article here.

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