Acute risk of explosion

Drunk driver overturned with chicken barbecue truck

26.05.2024 09:38

Propane cylinders leaked on Saturday afternoon when a 35-year-old woman from Upper Austria drove off the road in a chicken barbecue trolley and overturned. A safety perimeter had to be set up due to the acute risk of explosion. The rescue operation was only completed after seven hours.

At around 3.30 p.m., a 35-year-old woman from Gampern (Vöcklabruck district) was driving her chicken barbecue truck on the B1 towards Bierbaum when she suddenly veered onto the verge on the right and overturned her vehicle. Because the vehicle came to rest on the opposite side of the road, a 21-year-old man from Timelkam had to swerve his car to the right into a meadow to avoid a collision.

Propane gas threatened to explode
When the police arrived at the scene of the accident, there was already a strong smell of gas in the air. Everyone present was therefore quickly brought to safety, an exclusion zone was set up and additional forces were called in. Specialists from the fire department for hazardous substances carried out measurements, which showed that there was an acute risk of explosion in the exclusion zone. These measurements had to be carried out again and again while the gas continued to escape until recovery work could begin.

The escaping propane gas posed an explosion hazard. (Bild: © TEAM FOTOKERSCHI.AT)
The escaping propane gas posed an explosion hazard.

Dangerous operation
There were four bottles of propane gas in the truck, each weighing 33 kilograms. After the accident site was cleared, the recovery work began. The road was reopened after around seven hours. Firefighters from the Spielberg, Vöcklamarkt, Waschprechting, Wilding-Mühlberg, Puchheim and Vöcklabruck fire departments were involved.

Alkomat test positive
The driver's breathalyzer test was positive - she had around one per mille of alcohol in her blood. Her driver's license was therefore temporarily confiscated and she will be reported to the police. Fortunately, no one was injured in the accident.

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